Honest Business

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Proverbs 11:1:
1 A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is his delight.

The balance here is a scale for measuring. A rigged scale, one meant to swindle, is hated by God. Good business, on the other hand, is loved by God.  For someone who thinks a lot about business and virtue, I'm glad to see God delighting in honest business interactions.



The Bible is something that tends to have contradictory verses and lessons, and somehow there is always the right away to account for the contradiction. I'd love for some help with this one.

Could you make sense of how God loves good business and honest interactions, but he also loves the idea of forgiving debt after seven years? To me, it seems that is not good business (Why would you loan?) and not honest business (After seven years, I no longer owe you. It seems I've cheated you.) http://harrisonbrookie.blogspot.com/2010/10/god-allows-inefficiency.html

I'm sure you can come up with something to make me believe that A) God loves good, honest business and B) God loves to forgo good business practices in an effort to force his followers into monetary forgiveness are not incompatible.

Harrison Brookie

I agree, the post you link is proof that God has put something else above mutually beneficial business interactions. Here's what I think that thing is: 1) teaching his stone-hearted people about forgiveness, 2) putting social relationships above business relationships, 3) teaching his people the importance of helping the poor.

God has complex characteristics.


It still sounds like God has contradictory characteristics. I thought God was unchanging. He either likes good business or he doesn't.

Harrison Brookie

He's unchanging, but that doesn't necessarily mean he sees things black and white. Like the people who were made in his image, God thinks on the margin.

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